
Which web server we should install and how to install web server on different operating systems

Which web server should we install

How to set up a web server on different operating systems

Apache web server

So we will install apache web server in this web developer training because apache web server supports almost all operating systems like windows, linux, mac os or more.

 About 60% of machines run on Apache web server.

 Apache is an open source software that is available for free.  It runs on 67% of all web servers in the world.

 It is fast, reliable and secure.

 It can be highly customized to meet the needs of many different environments, using extensions and modules.

Now we know which web server we should install.

How to Install Apache Web Server on Operating System.

This is how we have Linux and many operating systems like Mac OS and Windows.

Now we will learn to install Apache web server on these three operating systems.

First we will learn how to install Apache web server on Linux operating system.

Installing Apache in Linux operating system is quite simple and easy.

Let's see how to install Apache web server in Linux operating system.

First we have to start terminal,

For that we will enter control + alt + T

Now he

sudo apt-get install apache2 

Now it may ask you for login password, for process you will enter your password and when it will ask for confirmation you will press Y.

 Depending on your internet bandwidth, the installation may take some time.

 You have successfully installed Apache on your system.

 Let's now check the status of installed apache

Which means we will check if apache is running properly or not and for that by opening terminal again and entering Control + Alt + T now  sudo service apache2 will enter the status showing that.

That apache is up and running.

 You can press Q if you think your terminal is stuck.

 You note this command because when terminal is stuck many developers use

That apache is up and running.

 You can press Q if you think your terminal is stuck.

 You note this command because when terminal is stuck many developers use.

it now if you want to start the web server then you will enter the command sudo service apache2 start it will start the apache web server 

now you have to check the status to see if apache is not running anywhere Can you gas.

which command will you use for this, some time ago, to check its status, enter sudo service apache2 status.

Will show apache in active

again i will repeat if your terminal gets stacked you can press Q 

When we installed apache it was running by default on our system.

If you want to start Apache, 
you will enter sudo service apache2 start in your terminal and you can restart Apache anytime, for this you will enter sudo service apache2 restart

you can copy all these commands from below. 

  • Install :- sudo apt-get install apache2
  •  Start:- sudo service start apache 2
  •  Status :- sudo service apache 2 status
  •  Restart:- sudo service restart apache 2

Was it all about installing and running Apache on Linux OS.

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